Shiretoko Otter Reintroduction Feasibility Study



This report is the result of a five-year project, lasting from 2011 to 2016, which in turn is part of a reforestation project called the Shiretoko 100 Square Metre Forest Trust. Otter, Lutra lutra, in Hokkaido was extinct after the final record of 1955 in Shari. We aimed to evaluate a possibility of otter reintroduction to Shiretoko. This feasibility study was supported financially by Daikin Industries Ltd.


* Shiretoko Otter Reintroduction Feasibility Study (Letter size, 43pp, 2017)shiretokootterreport2_2017.pdf(5.0M)

shuppan/otter.txt · 最終更新: 2017/07/19 12:45 by murakami